Quick Scenario – Step one Texas Investor Loan Application

Borrower Name:
Name of Entity (if you using entity,llc, other) as ownership:
Email Address of borrower) :
Have you been denied financing for any reason? (important question since many of our loans are for challenged credit and borrowers):
Please summarize the the loan (purchase,refinance, cashout, other (explain):
Purchase Price (If its a purchase, NA if refinance ):
What is as is value if refinance or cashout is requested ?
What is loan amount requested and is this flexible?
What is the property type (SFR,duplex, fourplex, apt, other) :
What is the subject property address ? ( if there are more than 1, supply a REO Schedule :
Is the Subject property rented ?
What is the rent or proposed (market ) rent?
What is annual insurance cost on subject?
What are annual taxes on property?
What are HOA dues – if any (annual):
How many properties do you currently own? (not including primary residence) more experience can mean better pricing:
Do you own or rent your own home?(your primary residence) if the subject property is your only “owned ” real estate we can help, just need to know.
borrowers appoximate credit score (if known) : (there is solution for all scores , non citizens and no score)
upload documents related to loan, PFS and 2 years tax returns(we are doing a full income doc loan),bank statements, survey,etc.